School News
Lakota Local School announces changes to its summer school offerings beginning in 2025. The changes apply to credit recovery, high school credit offerings and the advanced math bridge program. Summer school will be offered May 27-June 27.
Behind the long line-up of fun, hands-on projects in a new junior school math elective is a whole lot of geometry, algebra, percentages, probability, and other grade-level math concepts. The new course, open to both seventh and eighth grade students, reinforces the learning standards that students struggle with most on the state’s math test and gives them opportunities to apply them to real world scenarios. “They’re doing a lot of math and sometimes don’t even realize they’re doing it,” said Next Generation Stats teacher Pam Purcell, who teaches the new course at both Plains and Ridge junior schools.
Lakota's 2024 Secondary Summer School is now closed.
In addition to the supplies provided by your school, students in grades K-8 are asked to provide a few additional items before the first day of school. Use TeacherLists, a free new resource, to easily find your list and even shop online for the best prices on all your back-to-school supplies, if desired. High school students will continue to receive supply lists from their teachers when school starts.