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Lakota's 2025 Secondary Summer School will run May 27 through June 27. Original credit and credit recovery courses for high school will be offered virtually this summer with the option for both Zoom and in-person help sessions. In-person help sessions will be held at Lakota East Freshman located at 7630 Bethany Lane. 

Summer School registration opens Jan. 7. We will not be accepting non-Lakota students into our summer school program this year. 

Read More about Summer School Information for 2025
Roman Column two boys holding models of ancient columns

Seventh graders in Katie Bauer’s social studies class at Ridge Junior School recently embarked on an educational journey with their Greco-Roman Museum Artifacts Project. The assignment challenged students to analyze the enduring impact of Greek and Roman culture on later civilizations, including the world today. By stepping into the shoes of museum curators, students selected one Greek and one Roman legacy to create 3-D visual representations, which they showcased in a classroom museum.  

Read More about From Toothpicks to Timelessness: Students Showcase Greco-Roman Legacies
Colorful grid with 3D shaped objects depicted as buildings and other colors to indicate roads and green space

Behind the long line-up of fun, hands-on projects in a new junior school math elective is a whole lot of geometry, algebra, percentages, probability, and other grade-level math concepts. The new course, open to both seventh and eighth grade students, reinforces the learning standards that students struggle with most on the state’s math test and gives them opportunities to apply them to real world scenarios. “They’re doing a lot of math and sometimes don’t even realize they’re doing it,” said Next Generation Stats teacher Pam Purcell, who teaches the new course at both Plains and Ridge junior schools. 

Read More about Math Gets Real in New Junior School Stats Course
Colored pencils, paints and other colorful supplies laid out in circle with "School Supply List" text in middle

In addition to the supplies provided by your school, students in grades K-8 are asked to provide a few additional items before the first day of school. Use TeacherLists, a free new resource, to easily find your list and even shop online for the best prices on all your back-to-school supplies, if desired. High school students will continue to receive supply lists from their teachers when school starts.

Read More about 2024-2025 School Supply Lists Now Available
Mobile screen with green, blue, yellow and pink thought bubbles coming out of it with different communications icons

Ridge Junior School is part of a small group of Lakota schools piloting a new, more unified school-to-home communication tool called ParentSquare. Beginning Monday, April 22, ParentSquare will replace our current notification system for sending email, phone and text alerts to our families and staff.

No action will be required to continue receiving communications, but be on the lookout for an invite to log into your account via OneLogin to customize your communications experience and get the most out of ParentSquare. 

Read More about ParentSquare Kicks Off at Ridge April 22
Oversized red Stanley cup built out of red canned goods in front of a window

A few Lakota school hallways, cafeterias, classrooms and front offices were home to mounds of canned goods sculpted into true works of art this month.

The sculptures - on display at Lakota East High School, both East and West freshman campuses, and Ridge and Plains junior schools - were the culmination of students’ response to a community-wide challenge put forth by Reach Out Lakota. Called Can Creations, the second annual competition was designed to encourage local youth groups to build and display sculptures out of items needed by the local food pantry. Community voting takes place from March 15-22.

Read More about Student Can Creations Fight Local Hunger, Build Awareness
CCP Intent Form Deadline and more

INTENT FORM:  Any student that would like the opportunity to participate in the College Credit Plus program for the 24/25 school year, must complete and submit the State mandatory CCP Intent form by April 1st.  Submitting the CCP Intent form does NOT commit you to participating in the program. However, if you do NOT submit the CCP Intent form you will not have the option to participate in the CCP program during the 24/25 school year.  

Read More about College Credit Plus (CCP) Important Information and Deadlines
Woman sitting on ground with hands in the air facing large group of kids sitting on risers and singing

What do you get when you put more than 100 sixth-graders from eight different Lakota schools on stage to sing together after just a single day of rehearsal? “They sounded amazing,” said Hopewell Junior School choir director Jennifer Akers, who worked alongside her junior school counterparts to revive the “WE are Lakota Honor Choir” this year.

Read More about 100-Plus Sixth-Graders Discover their Voices through Lakota Honor Choir
CCP Information Sessions

Andrew Wheatley, Director of Secondary Curriculum, is hosting important College Credit Plus Information sessions at all 3 high schools during their 2024/2025 Course Information nights. This is an excellent opportunity to learn more about the necessary steps and qualifications a student needs to participate in the CCP program. Our college partners, Cincinnati State, Miami University, Sinclair College, and the University of Cincinnati will have representatives available for students, and their families, to learn more about each of their CCP programs.

Read More about College Credit Plus (CCP) Information Nights

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